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Informasjon om nettstedets eier

NINA MIDTVVEIT, CIF/NIF X3947182Z, bosatt på PLAZA DEL SOL, No8A, ALFAZ DEL PI (ALICANTE), 03580, og kommunikasjons-e-post NINA@ALFAZDELSOL.NO.


Eieren er ansvarlig for personopplysningene som samles inn under surfing og bruk av denne nettsiden, i samsvar med kravene fastsatt av FORORDNING (EU) 2016/679 om beskyttelse av enkeltpersoners personopplysninger, samt i samsvar med lov 34/2002 av 11. juli om tjenester i informasjonssamfunnet og elektronisk handel (LSSI-CE).

Ved å bruke denne nettsiden forstår vi at du har lest og forstått informasjonen som gis om behandlingen av dine personopplysninger.

Retningslinjer for databeskyttelse

The owner applies the principle of active responsibility in processing personal data, ensuring continuous updates and promotion of continuous improvement in the data protection system according to legal requirements, guaranteeing at all times:


• Respect for the fundamental freedoms and rights of individuals.

• That the data is processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently.

• That the data processed is accurate, adequate, relevant, and limited in relation to the purposes for which it is collected.

• That the purposes for which the data is collected are explicit and legitimate and not processed in a manner incompatible with those purposes.


The purpose of this document is to inform users about what we do with their personal data, how it is collected, what it is used for, their rights, and all the legal information required by the current regulations.

Collected Data, Purpose, and Lawfulness

The personal data processed are those provided by users through the forms available on this website and are the minimum required to:


• Send you information about our products/services.

• Handle inquiries.

• Process orders, generate corresponding invoices, inform about order status, handle complaints, and manage any other issues arising from the service provided through this website.


These purposes are based on the legal principles of data processing established by current regulations: for the execution of a contract or service provision to users, for compliance with legal obligations, for legitimate interest, and with the consent of users.


Web Forms

Personal data collected through the contact form is used to respond to any inquiries made by the user.

Personal data collected through the order form is intended for the proper management of your orders.

The data processing is legitimate through the consent you provide by expressly accepting the conditions of processing informed through this privacy policy.


Data Recipients

Personal data collected through the web forms are recorded and stored in electronic media controlled and supervised by the data controller.

Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties, except when such disclosure is protected by a legal obligation or when necessary for the correct provision of the service or execution of the contract, in which case your data may be disclosed to third parties to process payments (payment gateways), as well as to manage product deliveries (carriers). Such transfers are covered by service needs.


Payment through other payment gateways: we recommend that the user read the privacy policy of these services to understand how they handle personal information, for example:


• Redsys Servicios de Procesamiento, S.L. (“Redsys”), based in Madrid, with CIF number B-85955367, complies with the current legislation on personal data protection. You can view their privacy policy at Redsys Privacy Policy.

• PayPal (Europe) S.à.r.l. et Cie, S.C.A. (R.C.S. Luxembourg B 118 349), whose privacy policy establishes appropriate security measures for the correct handling of users’ personal data. You can view their privacy policy at PayPal Privacy Policy.


For cases where the communication of data to third parties is not covered by the legal bases established in the previous section, the communication of data to other recipients will only take place if the user has given their express consent. Strict selection criteria for data processors are maintained, and contractual commitments with each of them ensure compliance with data protection obligations.


In the event of international data transfers, NINA MIDTTVEIT will ensure that the transfer is made in accordance with applicable privacy laws, and necessary contractual, technical, and organizational measures, such as the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, are applied.


You can obtain more information about the processing of personal data by contacting us at NINA@ALFAZDELSOL.NO.

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